Company information

PUERTO RICO ICE TECHNOLOGIES is a vertically integrated company that offers complete dry ice solutions to customers in Puerto Rico, The Caribbean Basin, Central and South America.

PUERTO RICO ICE TECHNOLOGIES manufactures its own dry ice at a state of the art facility in San Juan, Puerto Rico. We currently offer dry ice in different sizes and shapes for all the dry ice market needs.

Our dry ice is manufactured and offered in 3mm pellets, ideal for effective dry ice blasting cleaning applications. Also, Technologies manufactures dry ice in FDA grade tablets, ideal for the airline and food industry.

Dry Ice blocks are also manufactured in our facility, and widely used for the refrigerated transportation industry and for cold storage of food, pharmaceuticals, bio technology and others.

For all your dry ice needs, contact (787) 641 2ICE (2423)

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PRICE Technologies is the exclusive distributor for our markets of the Cold Jet Dry Ice blasting systems the biggest and premier Dry Ice Blasting Systems manufacturer of the world.